About Salvia divinorum, the 'Legal Marijuana'


Have you ever heard of a plant that can make a person hallucinate?
Plants that can make someone hallucinate are plants that can create a different state of consciousness than usual. This plant contains substances that can affect the nerves and brain which causes a person to have extraordinary creativity and imagination. This condition is known as Altered states of consciousness (ASC).

Salvia is purple at first glance like a lavender plant.
Salvia is purple at first glance like a lavender plant.

One of the plants that has this ability is Salvia divinorum!
Salvia divinorum is one of the species of the genus salvia plant which is mostly used as an ornamental plant as well as a medicinal plant . This plant from Mexico has purple, yellow and white flowers. The purple flowers at a glance are similar to lavender plants because the flowers grow in bunches, the leaves are like mint leaves , the stems, leaves and flowers are downy. This plant gives off a fragrant aroma that insects do not like.

Salvia divinorum is not a newly discovered plant, this plant has been used by the Aztecs in Mexico in their rituals for hundreds of years. This plant contains salvinorin A which is one of the strongest hallucinogens that can immediately see its effects when used.

The effect is that it can interfere with vision, feeling relaxed, excessive euphoria, and hallucinations that are difficult to distinguish from reality. According to several sources who have tried it, consuming salvia can make the body feel floating and floating. Many musicians and artists use it for inspiration. In addition, this plant is also widely used by someone when meditating or doing yoga to get a sense of calm that really relaxes.

Salvia leaves are still fresh.
The fresh salvia leaves are like large mint leaves.

The following is a collection from various sources regarding the effects people feel after using salvia divinorum:

  •  Sometimes it feels like meeting animals, talking to people who don't exist, seeing spirits, talking to nature.
  •  Feeling able to teleport (able to move places).
  •  Confused between dream and reality.
  • Heard strange sounds that were not unusual, saw thick fog.
  • Loss of body balance and feels floating in the air.
  • Uncontrollable laughter.
  • Feel very calm and relaxed without the burden of the mind.

Salvia is legal marijuana…!
Why is it legalized?

Dried salvia leaves.  Can be used directly, but is mostly used in powder form.
Dried salvia leaves. Can be used directly, but is mostly used in powder form.

Slavs are not like other cannabis plants that make users addicted. The effect of slavia only lasts 1-2 hours at most. After that, normal feelings returned. According to scientific journals, by Imanshahidi, M., & Hosseinzadeh, H. (2006). The Pharmacological Effects of Salvia species of the central Nervous system. Phytotherapy Research, 20(6), 427-437, states that the salvia plant is also widely used in the medical world, such as:

  •  Calming the rebellious patient
  • Reduces Parkinson's Symptoms
  •  Protects nerve cells
  • Cure seizures or shaking
  • Relieves addiction in heavy alcohol and morphine users
  • Strengthen memory

Therefore, this type of plant is not prohibited by the Narcotics Law of the Republic of Indonesia.

We also provide salvia flower seeds, please click here to view / buy the product.


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