
Types of Flowers That Smell At Night

  Flowers that look beautiful have become an attractive thing for anyone who looks at them, if they are supported by a fragrant aroma, of course it will add to its appeal. Especially if the aroma only spreads at certain times. It will surely be the most awaited moment for flower lovers. In this article, we will provide some information about several types of flowers that emit fragrance at certain times, namely spreading at night. Here's the review: Stock Night Scented Stock Night Scented has the Latin name Matthiola longipetala . This flower is tiny, small, grows lush on a thin stalk. Light pink, white, some are purplish. This flower spreads the aroma of vanilla cream in the afternoon until the evening. Suitable for planting in pots, because the height only reaches 30 cm. At, we provide Stock Night Scented seeds, to order please  click here .

Various Unique and Weird Shaped Flowers in the World

  Beautiful, beautiful, fragrant, multi-layered petals, buds that are blooming, have become natural and common if you see the appearance of flowers in general. But have you ever seen a flower display that is not only beautiful, but looks unusual? Because the flower display is unusual, so it seems strange and unique. And things that are unique, always make me interested. Curious what these flowers are? Yook ... trip out this article ..! Bleeding Heart Flower From the name, it seems a little horror because there is the word bleeding which means blood. But don't worry, this flower doesn't bleed. Named the bloody heart flower because of its shape that resembles a whole heart there is also a heart that looks split, in the middle there is a flower crown that hangs down. Well, maybe that title is likened to blood dripping from a split heart (sounds sad -_-).

9 Benefits of Thyme Leaves for Health

  Thyme is a herb that is commonly used as a spice in food. Thyme is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the mint family ( Lamiaceae ). You probably know thyme from the spices in your kitchen. However, its usefulness is not limited to that. There are about 400 subspecies whose uses are extraordinary. In ancient Egypt it was used in the practice of applying balm to the body, while the ancient Greeks used it as incense. 9 Health Benefits of Thyme Here are 9 benefits of thyme that you must know: Thyme as an acne remedy Because of its distinctive taste, thyme is still a dream in the culinary field to this day. In addition, thyme is also quite well known in its use as a remedy for acne and high blood pressure. If you have purchased and tried various acne medications without good r

Benefits of Tarragon Leaves for Health

  Tarragon is one of the herbal plants that has many benefits for the health of the body. Have you ever heard of the tarragon plant ? This herbaceous plant is indeed still foreign to the ears of the Indonesian people. Tarragon ( Artemisia dracunculus ) or also known as estragon is a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the sunflower family . Its population is widespread throughout much of Eurasia and North America which is cultivated as a medicinal and culinary plant. Tarragon is easy to grow anywhere, has green leaves and small yellow flowers. This plant is popular because of its use in the culinary field. Tarragon is used to add flavor to many foods and sauces. Like oregano, tarragon has many uses beyond just adding flavor to your favorite foods. Tarragon has beautif

Characteristics of Bluebells Flowers (The Blue Bells)

  Bluebells are bell-shaped, drooping and drooping on one side. Bluebells ( Hyachintoides non-scripta ) are perhaps the most famous flower in England. This flower originally comes from the British Isles and France. No one can escape the charm of this flower, its beauty can create a forest scene that looks like a blue carpet. In England, this plant is protected so that the preservation of its habitat does not become extinct. In folklore, bluebells are also known as 'fairy flowers'. It is believed that fairy flowers were used to trap pedestrians especially children. Another myth, they believe that if someone wears a bouquet of bluebells, the wearer will be compelled to tell the truth. The view of the forest filled with bluebells, looks very amazing.

Tillandsia the Beautiful Air Plant

  In this article, we will provide one of the strange and unique types of ornamental plants that you may still rarely encounter. “Tillandsia the Beautiful Air plant” , as he was nicknamed. So, the name is tillandsia . This plant is called an air plant or air plant because it can live with air media, hang in the air, without soil, without fertilizer and without even being watered. Wow.. miraculous huh?? But this is not an artificial plant, you know, 100% original plant life. The tillandsia series placed on the terrarium makes it look more beautiful. If so, how does tillandisia live? Tillandsia is an epiphytic plant whose way of life is attached to or dependent on the stalks, stems and branches of other higher plants. But he doesn't become a parasite for the plants he attaches to,